I, Piñata (a poem)
‘Tis not sadness you should feel,
though sadness I must inspire.
I was beautiful once.
What more can one desire?
You only see my wreckage,
Left hanging and discarded.
But not too long ago
I was highly regarded.
Yes, it’s true I was beaten.
But, oh, what joy that rendered!
Whacked and thwacked until
My riches I surrendered.
Ungrateful I am not, though...
I admit I feel cheated.
Is that really all to me?
Am I now depleted?
I know! I was made for this!
And well my purpose I filled.
How merrily they laughed!
How expertly I thrilled.
Lucky should we all be when
In the end we ponder.
Did I touch someone’s heart?
And did they smile in wonder?
Feel not sad for me my friend,
As I here float suspended.
I gave all I had to give,
My empty heart was mended.
©Maria Orlandi 2020