A Poem in Two Languages
Some time ago, I wrote a simple poem inspired by a throw away comment made by an Italian friend of mine. I loved the sound of it and challenged him to write a poem around the concept, but he countered my suggestion. Challenge accepted, my friend. Here is the result in the original language I wrote it - Italian, of course - followed by the English translation.
PS We are both fine.
Ci Tengo a Vivere
La bottiglia posa
vuota sul comò.
Mi sdraio lentamente.
Sospiro e respiro.
I rumori del mondo
al di fuori dal mio
arrivano con esitazione
alla mia coscienza.
La risata cristallina
della figlia del vicino.
La brezza fresca della
sera primaverile tre le foglie.
Le chiacchiere spensierate
delle studentesse passeggiando.
E con tutto questo,
i profumi.
Il sugo buono
della Signora Rosa.
Il glicine del giardino
ricoperto di rugiada.
L’odore invitante
del mare poco lontano.
E d’un tratto mi rendo conto,
troppo tardi ormai, che…
Ci tengo a vivere.
I Want to Live
The bottle sits, empty,
on the dresser.
Slowly, I lay myself down.
I sigh and I breathe.
The sounds of the world
beyond my own,
tentatively enter
my consciousness.
The crystalline laughter
of the neighbour’s daughter.
The cool spring breeze
rustling through the leaves.
The carefree chatter
of the students strolling by.
And with these sounds,
the smells.
Mrs Rosa’s delicious
pasta sauce.
The jasmine in the garden
covered in dew.
The inviting scent
of the sea not far from here.
And suddenly I realise,
too late now, that…
I want to live.
© Maria Orlandi 2018