Neither Influence Nor Persuasion
If you’re interested in persuading others to come to your point of view or in influencing other people’s behaviour, than you better make sure of one thing - that they LIKE you first.
Ah! Mr Darcy!
How can this character invented over two hundred years ago still make women swoon in today’s day and age? What is it about Mr Darcy that we find irresistible and what is his power to make us dream of pure love?
Figuratively Speaking
Our notion of what a beautiful woman looks like is so often dictated by the gaze of others, or of our own unrealistic expectations. Why can’t we just love ourselves and each other for who we are not how we look?
Who Are The Grown Ups Here?
What does being a grown-up mean and when do you know if you’ve finally gotten there?
Single Decisions - Part 2
Sometimes you’re faced with making a decision in which there is no right answer and the burden of choosing what to do can be overwhelming.
Single Decisions - Part 1
Making decisions on your own might seem easy enough on paper, but sometimes the choice between one path or another isn’t as clear cut as you wish it to be, and having to choose which road to take, on your own, can be harder than you imagine.
Heaven on Two Wheels
For me, nothing is more thrilling than being on the back of a motorbike or scooter, zooming along with nothing but the wind and the sky around you. It’s heaven.
The Greatest Escape
Those who understand the beauty of this particular escape know that it is the greatest of them all, and they go back there time and time again. Are you in the know?
My Big Brother, Johnny
Like many of us, I was greatly influenced by my big brother, from my taste in music to my choice of degree. My biggest supporter, he has been a part, and even the cause, of many life-defining moments.
The Joy of Chaos
Real life is chaotic, a mismatched mix of experiences, events and emotions. I think we could all be liberated by putting our own chaos on display rather than packing it away in neatly ordered boxes.
Lettera D’Amore
A letter to my greatest love.
To Love. And Be Loved in Return
Decades ago a little girl entrusted a single romantic wish to the universe, but for many years the universe looked the other way. Until one day, in the most unconventional way, her simple wish was granted.
The Cloud (a short story) - Part 2
Continuing my short work of fiction…a love story lived via intense small doses and overshadowed by departures.
The Cloud (a short story) - Part 1
Permit me to offer you something a little different - a work of fiction. This is a short story in two parts, I hope you enjoy it.
A Case For Doing Nothing At All
Do you get to Monday morning and wonder what happened to the weekend? Do you feel like you haven’t rested at all? Well, I think I’ve stumbled on the solution.
A Recent (mis)Adventure - Finale
Like finding a needle in a haystack, that’s what this search for my friend’s lost mobile phone had become. Would we have any luck?
A Recent (mis)Adventure - Part 4
A Recent (mis)Adventure - Part 3
What was meant to be a simple rescue mission takes a sinister turn.
A Recent (mis)Adventure - Part 2
A missing treasure? A journey into the unknown? What you need in such circumstances is a trusty sidekick.
A Recent (mis)Adventure - Part 1
When a friend begs for help, what can you do but brave unknown dangers in order to bring them peace and serenity. And a little adventure ensues…